Riga, it's soon over

I am in Riga airport right now, waiting for my flight to Gothenburg while my fellow passenger speaks loudly in "Göterboska". This trip is coming to an end so this will be the last blogg-post for this time. But hope to see you all on the slideshow in a few weeks.
Thanks for reading and keep smiling!

"Svensk-talande är bättre folk"

It happened a lot here in Helsinki and I am amazed over how similare but so different everything is here! Take for example my experience in a café: When I entered the café it sounded like eveyone spoke Finnish. I spoke English with the cashier as I always do. But when I sat down and started to listen to people they actually all spoke Swedish! Just Swedish with a very Finnish tone and dialect. Personally, I think that if you want to speak Swedish like that you better of just talking Finnish. But my friend told me today that people use to say: "Svensk-talande är bättre folk".

Sauna - Finnish style

I have been to experience the true Finland, the hard way. First freezing cold out in the forest, then bloody hot in the sauna and then freezing cold again when I dipped my body through the hole in the ice to get into the lake! Amazing!

Finland's Parliament-house

Today, I got a private tour of the Finnish parliament-house since my dear friend Anna-Helena works there. Here I am in the big hall:
Here is Anna's office when I am playing with my camera and she is trying to work...
This is an underground tunnel that takes you from the annex to the main building from the inside. Not very secret but fun since you can use kick-bikes:
In the parliament they also got an own second-hand shop, own post-office, own gym and of course: a sauna!


Hemkomsten till Svea Rike börjar närma sig så det vore kanske passande med ett inlägg i modersmål.

Richard och jag har tagit tusentals fantastiska bilder under vår resa i Australien men få av dem har nått hit till bloggen. Så vore det inte trevligt om vi kunde mötas över ett glas gott och njuta av bilderna tillsammans?
Jag bjur därför in alla som är intresserade till bildvisning!

Kl. 20.00 Fredag 15 April - För vänner (för de som lämnar huset för fortsatt uttgång och törstläckare)
Kl. 19.00 Lördag 16 April - För familj (för de som lämnar huset för en god sömn hemma i sängen)
Ni får själva välja vilken kväll ni helst medverkar på!

Vart: Hemma hos Richard OBS! Begränsat med plats!

Det är begränsad plats i soffan så om Ni vill komma får ni anmäla detta till någon av oss så snart som möjligt!
Ses snart!


I am just across the Baltic sea now, in Muumi-land also known as Finland. And what do you expect for breakfast if not Muumi-decorated cups and plates?
Also happily ate crisp-bread (knäckebröd) for breakfast. Sofia and I plan to visit the Muumi-museum today. A lot of Muumi...

Lounge 1 at Stansted

I have survived the night here at Stansted-London airport. It was a few restless hours and I am therefore rewarding myself with the last hours in a luxury lounge. I am getting unlimited cakes and breakfast, unlimited drinks, internet and magazines. And it is only me and another man here so we got the staffs full attention. Aaaw, life is good!  :)


You can seldom or never read about nightlife on this blogg, so see this as an exception.

I only spent one day in Singapore and that day happen to be a Wednsday. Wednsday=Ladiesnight! Alice (couchsurfer) had expect both Richard and me (don't know why) but was happy to find only me at the doorstep. It didn't matter that they all were at least 10 years older then me. We had so much fun! But I only got 4 hours of sleep and I am now back in the airport on my way to Kuala Lumpur, London and then Tampere!


I am educating myself for this week's adventure. I want to share this link with you: http://www.sleepinginairports.com/tips.htm This is my bible for the night I'll spend on Stansted Airport, London, later this week. According to the site is it among the busiest airports to sleep at so I'll hopefully make lots of friends!

Behana Creek

Yesterday, I met-up with a few people to go on a day-trip. It was Alex (couchsurfer) who put it all together and he quickly took the role as our local-guide. He drove us out in the rainforest, got us all to walk a step walk and finally jump from high cliffs into a massive waterfall! Thanks Alex, Cairn's own Tarzan, for taking us!

Summer heat

It has been blue sky and sun all day here today. But I burnt myself yesterday, my sunglasses broke, my bikini is falling apart and my sarong have seen better days. Is someone telling me to leave the heat?


We decided to make a day-trip this Wednesday. It turned out to be a food-tour up in the little village Kuranda which is hidden in lush rainforest. It started off with a morning coffeé in form of a honey latté: We ordered lunch after walking around in the famous market and looking at aboriginal art for hours. I had a crocodile burger and Richard had a kangaroo burger. I wouldn't recommend the crocodile to anyone but the kangaroo was tasty! Yesterday night I had my first work-out for months. It was aqua aerobics in the lagoon (BIG outdoor swimming pool). So I deserve some hours at the pool-side in the sun today.

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